Custom WebView HTTP IO is Bad

Previously I wrote a post OkHttp as HTTP Engine for WebView.
Now, I definitely can say that it was bad idea. And it's not an OkHttp
's fault.
NotOk: loading WebView resources via OkHttp was bad idea (not OkHttp's fault). Flucking WebView :(
— Artem Zinnatullin (@artem_zin) October 27, 2015
WebView problems
- If you can avoid
— avoid it. WebView
synchronously in a single IO thread, so resources will be loaded synchronously one after another. Though,OkHttp
is fast enough (SPDY, HTTP/2) that it may give better results on a good connection in compare to native loading of the resources viaWebView
.- Looks like
execution until you load all resources inshouldInterceptRequest()
. Also looks like native resources loading in theWebView
somehow integrated intoJavaScript
execution queue soJS
can do its work "in parallel" to native resources loading.
Unfortunately, most of integrated WebView
s on Android < 5 and Android System WebView
from Google Play affected with these problems.
But I still want to load resources myself!
If you still want to manually load resources of pages that you're displaying you can do it.
Suggested algorithm (suitable for email clients btw):
- Load resources in background before
even displayed (for example if email app receives a new message in background, it can start pre-fetching images from the message even before user opens the app, of course with respect to connection quality and battery level). - Override
and return result from pre-fetched cache if it exists, otherwise you can either returnfalse
and leave loading of the resource to theWebView
or synchronously load it manually, but as mentioned before —WebView
may stuck on a bad connection.
Another approach if you can't pre-fetch resources is to override shouldInterceptRequest()
, immediately return some fake result and start async load of the requested resource, then when the resource will be downloaded you can trigger it's reload via JavaScript
and return content from cache!
Bonus info
If you need relatively fast WebView
with support for "new" web features and your app supports Android versions that can not use Android System WebView
from the Google Play — take a look at Crosswalk project.
TL;TR: Crosswalk
is a WebView
based on relatively fresh versions of Chromium
which you can include into your apk statically or dynamically as a shared library.